Saturday, May 23, 2020
Twain Lowest Animal W Annotating - 2783 Words
Predict. What might be an example of a â€Å"low†animal? Predict. What might be an example of a â€Å"low†animal? The Lowest Animal (1896) Mark Twain What’s Twain’s thesis? (the main argument he is proposing) What’s Twain’s thesis? (the main argument he is proposing) 1 I have been studying the traits and dispositions of the lower animals (so-called), and contrasting them with the traits and dispositions of man. I find the result humiliating to me. For it obliges me to renounce my allegiance to the Darwinian theory of the Ascent of Man from the Lower Animals, since it now seems plain to me that that theory ought to be vacated in favor of a new and truer one, this new and truer one to be named the Descent of Man from the Higher†¦show more content†¦4 I was aware that many men who have accumulated more millions of money than they can ever use have shown a rabid hunger for more, and have not scrupled to cheat the ignorant and the helpless out of their poor servings in order to partially appease that appetite. I furnished a hundred different kinds of wild and tame animals the opportunity to accumulate vast stores of food, but none of them would do it. The squirrels and bees and certain birds made accumulations, but stopped when t hey had gathered a winter supply, and could not be persuaded to add to it either honestly or by chicane. In order to bolster up a tottering reputation, the ant pretended to store up supplies, but I was not deceived. I know the ant. These experiments convinced me that there is this difference between man and the higher animals: he is avaricious and miserly; they are not. Paraphrase the main idea of this paragraph Paraphrase the main idea of this paragraph 5 In the course of my experiments I convinced myself that among the animals man is the only one that harbors insults and injuries, broods over them, waits till a chance offers, then takes revenge. The passion of revenge is unknown to the higher animals. By comparing man to roosters, what specific flaws in human behavior is Twain highlighting? (Focus on how we are different from roosters) By comparing man to roosters, what specific flaws in human behavior is Twain highlighting? (Focus on how we are different from
Monday, May 18, 2020
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
A Reflection On Policy Observation - 883 Words
Policy Observation What we see today is that organizations paint this image of morality and striving to help the homeless, when really what they preach compared to their actions are very incongruent. For example, Mr. Gladiator is a Muslim and he was praying outside of Kroger and was asked to leave because he was supposedly disturbing customers, but in reality he was just praying for them. This ties into commercialization where businesses will kick homeless people out of their properties establishment to appear more high quality. This is contradicting because they boast about what they do for communities, yet the situation such as this says otherwise. In addition, there has been a shift from Section 8 Housing here in Louisville, where poor people are provided assistance with public, government housing, to Mixed Income Housing that has increased homelessness because many of these people qualify for Section 8 Housing and do not have the financial status for Mixed Income Housing, yet there are less homes being provided for Section 8 Housing than there are Mixed Income Housing so it leaves a disproportionate amount of people lacking shelter (Colley and Dukmasova). Even worse, if we look at policies at the regional level, or even national levels, our society has criminalized homelessness by making it illegal to be homeless. Rather than attacking the underlying issues of homelessness, or resolving the needs of homeless people, our society drives away homeless people and even anyShow MoreRelated Observation as a Social Work Tool and Skill Essay1147 Words  | 5 Pagesis going to look into observation as a social work tool and skill. Firstly, it is going to briefly describe the observation. Secondly it will analyse the interactions using a reflective approach. And finally, it will look into some relevant social work skills and values that relate to the discussed topic. The observation exercise was carried out on the upper deck of a London Bus on a weekday evening and lasted approximately fifteen minutes. The subjects of the observation were a male in his lateRead MoreChoose 3 of Your Direct Observations Carried Out in Your Plo. Using These as the Context, Produce a Critical Reflection on What You Have Learned About Your Own Practice.1745 Words  | 7 PagesChoose 3 of your direct observations carried out in your PLO. Using these as the context, produce a critical reflection on what you have learned about your own practice. The purpose of this assignment is to critically reflect on how effective my practice is by analysing my own direct work with service users and colleagues whilst on placement at a children’s home. 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Policy ProcedureRead MoreIntroduction to Personal Development in Health and Social Care or Children S and Young Peoples Settings1470 Words  | 6 Pagesunderstood my Company’s policies and procedures and am aware of what to do in most circumstances , and the correct reporting or recording procedures to follow. I always work in a professional manner and ensure all residents are kept up to date and confidential. 1.2.Identify standards that influence the way the role is carried out. There are many standards that are put to ensure that my role is carried out well. These include these codes of practice: Internal policies and procedures Legislation-Read MoreEvaluation Of The Whole School Behaviour Policy968 Words  | 4 PagesFollowing the introduction of the whole school behaviour policy, it was also made compulsory for schools to include a system of rewards and sanctions (Elton, 1989, Steer, 2005; DFE, 2014; Payne, 2015). 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I found that the reflections as part of the weekly journal to of particular interest and benefit as I examined he â€Å"Guiding Questions†for this final synthesis essay. Interestingly, my colleagues in this course found these reflections not to be beneficial. During one of our class meetings it was noted that these were not a beneficial exercise and that reflection was not needed. To that, I would counter that reflection s always needed but it is often the easiest itemRead MoreAssessment Is The Process Of Gathering Information And Evidence For Assess A Learner1258 Words  | 6 Pagesassessments used can be summarised below. †¢ Observation of performance in the work environment. This method is based upon observations being taken in the work place and will be based on fact and specific work based actions, behaviours and tasks. It allows the assessor to assess the learners’ performance and knowledge of their role. It allows for feedback and input from both the assessor and learner, whereby future goals and learning aims can be set. Observations will allow for a judgement on knowledgeRead MoreSocial Care Reflection Paper1406 Words  | 6 Pagesand my family relies on the help of family and friends instead. I personally enjoyed my time spent with my grandmother growing up, and I also enjoy the time I spend with my sister when I take care of her. I pick her up at least once a CRITICAL REFLECTION PAPER 4 week from school and watch her until one of my parents come home from work. As Titmuss states, we are interdependent beings and rely on one anotherRead MoreLeadership Is A Complex Phenomenon Involving The Leader, Followers, And The Situation1587 Words  | 7 Pageseconomic development and an end to corruption and civil war, according to (Editors, 2016). She was inaugurated in 2006 as Africa’s first democratic female Head of State and gained the sobriquet of â€Å"Iron Lady of Liberia†because of her strong stances on policy and ethical practice (Mitchell, 2011). Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf was one of the three (3) recipients that won the Nobel Prize in honour of her work promoting nonviolent change (Mitchell, 2011). Throughout her career, she has demonstrated passionate
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Israel Palestine Conflict, an International Relations...
NATIONAL LAW UNIVERSITY, JODHPUR Subject: International Relations Israel- Palestine Conflict: History and Solution Submitted by: Mitali Agarwal and Pragati K. B Roll no. 924 Roll no. 929 IV semester IV semester BPSc LLB BPSc LLB Submitted to: Prof. Om Prakash National Law University, Jodhpur Abstract After more than 50 years of war, terrorism, peace negotiation and human suffering, Israel and Palestine remain as far from a peaceful settlement as ever. The entire Middle Eastern region remains a cauldron waiting to reach the boiling point, a potent mixture of religious extremism, (Jewish, Christian and Islamic), mixed with oil and munitions. This paper is an attempt to trace the history of†¦show more content†¦In addition, the violence has curbed expansion of tourism in the region, which is full of historic and religious sites that are of interest to many people around the world. Many attempts have been made to broker a two-state solution, involving the creation of an independent Palestinian state alongside an independent Jewish state or next to the State of Israel (after Israels establishment in 1948). In 2007 a majority of both Israelis and Palestinians, according to a number of polls, preferred the two-state solution over any other solution as a means of resolving the conflict. Moreover, a considerable majority of the Jewish public sees the Palestinians demand for an independent state as just, and thinks Israel can agree to the establishment of such a state. A majority of Palestinians and Israelis view the West Bank and Gaza Strip as an acceptable location of the hypothetical Palestinian state in a two-state solution. However, there are significant areas of disagreement over the shape of any final agreement and also regarding the level of credibility each side sees in the other in upholding basic commitments. Within Israeli and Palestinian society, the conflict generates a wide variety of views and opinions. This highlights the deep divisions which exist not only between Israelis and Palestinians, but also within each society. A hallmark of the conflict has been the level of violence witnessed for virtually its entire duration. Fighting has beenShow MoreRelatedIsrael Palestine Conflict, an International Relations Research Paper8755 Words  | 36 PagesNATIONAL LAW UNIVERSITY, JODHPUR Subject: International Relations Israel- Palestine Conflict: History and Solution Submitted by: Mitali Agarwal and Pragati K. B Roll no. 924 Roll no. 929 IV semester IV semester BPSc LLB BPSc LLB Submitted to: Prof. Om Prakash National Law University, Jodhpur Abstract After more than 50 years of war, terrorism, peace negotiation and human suffering, Israel and Palestine remain as far from a peaceful settlement as everRead MoreCauses of the Six Day War4151 Words  | 17 PagesWhat were the causes of Israel-Palestine war? 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This question was intriguing due to the possibility of the League of Nations causing tension rather than promoting peace. In order to explore the effect the League of Nations/United Nations had on the Arab-Israeli conflict, both primary and secondary sources will be necessary. Primary sources will include
Applying Management Theories Free Essays
Company A was initially formed as a group of engineering students to undertake the project of modifying and coding a Boot to automatically move around a maze as quickly as possible. The group was formed by Dry S. Watson, the project supervisor. We will write a custom essay sample on Applying Management Theories or any similar topic only for you Order Now The group consisted of four students: J. Peters, A. Shabbier, A. Mohammed and O. Added. The students began their project through the organized Company 1 meetings. In their first meeting they were introduced to each other, though J. Peters was absent, which disadvantaged him later in the project. The group cited that their first action would be to organize a group meeting in the week, before the next company meeting, a good pro-active decision. It was observed that no leadership took place in the group with everyone inputting questions that the group could not answer. The Part D students were then able to answer some questions. In the meeting the group did not discuss project strategy, but discussed sensor systems, there was no clear sensory system decided with A. Shabbier wanting to research into sonar systems and A. Mohammed continuing research into IR sensors and QUIT sensors. Over the next two weeks the group began to realize their task and formed their project structure based on the diagram, [ Figure 1 ]. The strategy overall was carried out well throughout the group, as they became more aware of mistakes that may have occurred without the plan and check stages. Once the strategy was in place, the Plan section was implemented. Within the plan stage the group took into account the following factors for equipment choice: Cost, Complexity and Acceptability. An example of this method was the choice of sensors, the group decided to use IR sensors, as they were cheaper than sonar systems, they were the east complex of all the systems and achieved the groups’ requirements. This decision making process was very powerful, as it gave the groups specific criteria that they had to uphold and it prevented members from verging off topic, which they were prone to doing. Figure 1 – Plan check do act (PICA) model A main failure of the group however, was that they did not choose a project leader. Their failure resulted in a leaderless structure to the group, immediately disadvantaging the group, as there was no one to make key decisions. This can be seen by tensions formed in the group with regards to sub-systems. The group decided to create sub-systems and allocate a person per sub-system, though this was a sensible systematic approach (though it could have been improved by using at a job design chart, such as in [ Figure 21). Breaking down the sub-systems affected the group with some tasks much simpler and straight forward than others. This process led to J. Peters and A. Mohammed wanting the same roles. The decision was made by the rest of the group that A. Mohammed would be better suited to the desired role. J. Peters had little contact with the group up until that point and this showed in the groups’ decision. J. Peters was left with the difficult task of producing the interim report for the group. This was a poor decision by the group as it meant that they issue also arose from the sub-system approach, where during one week; more than one member of the group was absent. This led to a halt in progress of the project in the areas where team members were away, as absent team members knew their role, but the other team members did not. This should have been factored into the projects’ risk contingency plan; however this was yet to be created by J. Peters. This failure resulted in a week without progress and certainly created tension not only thin the group, but between the group and supervisor as well. A better strategy would have been to split the design into sub-systems, but within each sub-system, tasks could be created and given to members of the group, allowing more than one group member to have knowledge of each sub-system to ensure progress continues. What sequence? Who else? How to interface with the facilities? Environmental conditions? How much autonomy? Skills? Where to locate? Tasks? Figure 2 – A Job design chart, enabling users to identify each role After the fourth week it was clear that A. Shabbier had taken charge of the project, which could be a positive factor of not immediately selecting a group leader, as it allowed time for the more dedicated person the project to take control, effectively becoming the natural leader. His indecision however, led to a long delay within an exercise the group carried out. A requirement that the group made was to increase the speed of the robot. The group originally removed the wheel and replaced it with a larger wheel increasing the speed, a good idea; however, their plan did not consider that they were not allowed to remove parts from the Boot. Therefore the approach taken by he group was to use their project PICA strategy and they were able to modify the wheel by creating an extension to use the original wheel as a shaft for a larger wheel. This shows good initiative from the group, however the issue should not and would limitation control. The group would have been better to choose a product design strategy, where they generated a concept, which they could feedback to the supervisor in a company meeting, who could then evaluate the groups’ design, making sure it is suitable for the set requirements. This would make sure the design fits the requirements and if not, it could be improved until it did. The groups’ strategy for their hardware sub-system had certain requirements, one of which included a LED display. The display was a creative concept as many ideas in the group were; however there was a delay in delivery (due to the University) which the group had not planned for. This delay was unplanned for with no risk contingency plan in place. This therefore meant the group had to alter their Giant chart to their needs at that time. This was poorly planned, as a better Giant chart would have had extra time allocated for work that could not be completed at the specific time. How to cite Applying Management Theories, Papers
Nature and Transgression in Frankenstein and Blade Runner free essay sample
How has the context affected the treatment of the concepts of nature and transgression in the texts under study? In comparing the treatment of the myriad of enduring issues and concepts explored in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein (1818) and Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner (1982), the influence of their vastly different contexts is impossible to overlook.Despite their radically different context and genre informed approaches, Blade Runner and Frankenstein ultimately come to what is in essence the same conclusion to act as cautionary tales against the consequences of transgression and to stress the importance of living in harmony with nature. The concepts of nature and transgression are central themes explored in detail by the composers of both texts. Many instances of nature are dealt with, from the role of the natural environment to the duality of human nature.Likewise, transgression does not merely occur in the most apparent crime of moral and ethical neglect in the act of creating humane beings – but the consequences of attempting to transgress the limits of mortality, technology and nature itself. We will write a custom essay sample on Nature and Transgression in Frankenstein and Blade Runner or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page From the opening of Frankenstein, Robert Walton’s sweepingly expressive choice of language in describing the majestic beauty of nature marks the novel as a product of its literary context of Romanticism.As a movement that advocated self-expression and empowerment of the imagination and senses, the ability to appreciate the sublime natural wonders of the world was seen as an extremely positive and humanizing quality. Both Frankenstein’s creature and Roy Batty display the humane Setting, by disposition, is a key consideration in any text, and in both Frankenstein and Blade Runner the condition of the natural world and elements is crucial in establishing the appropriate mood at any given time. The central theme of Blade Runner is the relationship between humanity and nature.More specifically it has a purpose in showing how science can negatively influence this fragile relationship. Set in Los Angeles of 2019 we see the decadence of western society into an inhumane harsh impersonal, technology-dominated realm. The inhabitants who fight for their daily survival are in desperate want for nature, contact with which is denied to them by the unrestricted scientific progress and the consequent exploitation of the natural world conducted for the sole purpose of profit. Humanity is also losing touch with its own nature.The compassion, the empathy, the love and the emotion are all rare or absent. This ailing relationship between humanity and nature is conveyed through the means of scene setting, dialogue, plot, camera techniques and other film features. All these elements of cinematography synthesise to create an effective portrayal of the unifying theme†¦ Context has affected the treatment of the concepts of nature and transgression, however it has not been able to significantly alter the message at its core. As a result, the powerful cautionary warnings in Franke nstein and Blade Runner have ensured their timeless relevance.
Friday, May 1, 2020
Introductory and Contract Law
Question: Discuss about the Introductory and Contract Law. Answer: The case Crown Melbourne Limited v Cosmopolitan Hotel (Vic) Pty Ltd [2016] HCA 26 (20 July 2016) was held in the Australian High Court. The jurisdiction of the High Court of of Australia extends the Supreme Court in the Australian Court hierarchy and final Court of appeal in Australia. It has both Appellate and original jurisdiction. It has the authority to do judicial review on law, which are passed by the Australian Parliament and the State Parliament. It also has the jurisdiction to interpret the Constitution of Australia (Nauze, 1972). This case is a civil case and the onus of proof lies on the respondent, the tenet. In procedures brought by the respondents ("the tenants"), the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (the VCAT) observed that the complainant ("Crow) created an impression to the respondent over the span of agreement for the leases, in a way that the inhabitants would be concerned for the time of renewal. The VCAT assessed that the declaration offered, raised to a collateral contract, which gratified Crown to offer a negotiating of leases for a long time on several terms to be chosen by Crown. The VCAT additionally discovered that if the conclusion were incorrect, it would have likewise acknowledged the renter accommodation that Crown was estopped from averting the presence of collateral contract. It requested that Crown should pay the main respondent $467,505.00 and the following respondent $1,143,167.00 for compensation when there is a breach of contract (Vass, 2016). With respect to the situation, the VCAT that the Crown had created an impression to the tenants at the renewal time of the negotiation that they will take care of the tenants during the renewal time. The VCAT held that the announcement by the Crown offered ascend to collateral contract. Furthermore, the Crown needs to pay $467505 to the primary respondent and $1,143,167 to the second in type of damages for breach of the agreement. The Crown was at risk for estoppel from denying the collateral contract. On appeal before the Supreme Court of Victoria said that the VCAT was in mistake and estoppels did not emerge. Rather, the Court of Appeal said that there was a promissory Estoppel. The Court of Appeal announced that there was no collateral contract yet there was an issue in dispatching the issue of estoppel (Rohatgi, 2016). The legal issue on part of the Crown was that the Collateral contract and promissory estoppels claimed by the respondent for which the Crown is liable for damages are not valid. The representation he made was not valid and the mere stating of something does not make the contract valid (Grossi, 2016). Tenants got procedures to the VCAT in which they affirmed that a progression of representations had been made by delegates of Crown to Mr Zampelis, such that the tenants would be given an additional term of five years taking after lapse of the 2005 leases. These demonstrations were said to add together to a guarantee that the Crown would practice its authority under cl 2.3(a) of the 2005 rents and propose a renewal for an additional five year term. The tenants asserted to have been instigated by the representations to execute the leases and to do the renovations. Two, alternate legal results were said to take after from the guarantee: a collateral contract, by which Crown was obliged to offer the tenants encourage five year leases, appeared, or an estoppel emerged which kept Crown from denying that commitment. Significantly, the terms of the further rents were said to be the same with respect to the 2005 leases (Handley, 2016). A collateral contract is usually a sole term agreement, made in favor of the party for whose advantage the agreement works consenting to go into a principal contract, which sets out further terms identifying with a similar kind from the principle contract (Hospital Products Ltd v United States Surgical Corporation). The Court had held that there is a collateral agreement only when there is representation, which is contractually binding. It would only be a collateral agreement if there were a contractual promise. The intention only arises when the parties have acted or shown conduct towards it. The Court of Appeal agreed that the statements were vague. The intention as to collateral contract is a question of law (Heilbut, Symons Co v Buckleton). A promissory estoppels is one where the promisor has promised to do something for the promisee and the promisee has acted according to that promise, even if there was no consideration, it is enforceable by law (Feinman, 1984). The court held that there was no promissory estoppels because the representation made must be cleat and not unambiguous and vague. The person to whom the representation be made must not be vague and the representation must not be open to different construction. The mere saying of that looked after at renewal time does not mean that he meant that there would be an extension on the lease term (Low v Bouverie). Under the decision taken by the Court of Law in this case we see that in case of collateral contract the party does not need to give notice while under a lease negotiation the Crown has an obligation to give notice under the law to make it binding. For lease to happen there must be a consideration and the terms must be expressed or implied or in perpetuity. The essentials of a valid contract formation are: offer, acceptance, mutuality of obligation, consideration and a written agreement. An adversarial system is an outdated way of handling disputes. An adversarial system is a system where the parties to the dispute put their case in front of an unbiased person, a judge or jury through their own advocates in the attempt to examine the truth of a case. In Adversarial system when dealing with criminal cases, the prosecutor or judge cannot ask the accused person questions because he is not directly representing his case (Allison, 2013). He can only answer cases when he chooses to do so. In case of Civil cases the defendant have to compulsorily give statements but he cannot be cross-examined on the statement nor is the statement taken on oath. The judges must be fair and give their judgment based on the case based on fundamental justice and due process. The name "adversarial system" may be ambiguous because, it implies that it is only applicable within a particular type of structure where, there are contrasting prosecution and defense. The case is not the same, and both t he current adversarial and inquisitorial systems have the authority of state estranged between a prosecutor and the judge. They can provide the defendant with legal aid. Certainly, TheEuropean Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedomsin Article 6 need those traits in the legal structures of the signatory states. The most relevant way of solving disputes is the traditional way of presenting it in front of the judge and the jury. The judge and the jury give the decision in an unbiased way. This is the trial or litigating way of solving disputes. Apart from the traditional ways of solving dispute there are other ways also of solving disputes. Negotiation, Mediation and Arbitration are few ways of solving the methods. These ways are known as the ADR-Alternate Dispute Resolution (Greenacre et al., 2016). The cases that come to the Court often get solved in the Court only few amongst them goes to trial. Some of the cases are often considered to be suggested by ADR before the parties goes to the Court (Chng Chua, 2016). Let us now look into the various methods of solving disputes- Negotiation- The most basic means of solving disputes is by the way of negotiation. It is a continuous communication between the parties to the dispute with the aim of finding a solution. The parties negotiate directly or may get it done by an Attorney. The procedure followed is nothing specified. The negotiation between the parties is enforceable under law. The essentials of negotiation are: Unstructured and informal Voluntary Confidential and private Enforceable No involvement of third party; the parties make their own decisions. Mediation- the process by which settlement between the parties is made by an unbiased person, known as the mediator. It is a voluntary process, which promote reconciliation between the disputing parties that in turn helps the parties to the dispute reach on a mutual agreement. It is the next best suitable method for solving disputes after the process of negotiation. Mediator explains the rule of the proceedings to the parties and their attorneys. They can even meet the parties separately and he makes the parties understand each others viewpoint (Roebuck, 2013). Arbitration- Arbitration is an argued topic to a reasonable individual for choice. Arbitration is ordinarily an out-of-court policy for settling a question. The arbitrators control the process, will pay attention to both sides and reach a conclusion. Alike a trial, just a single party will win. However, the appeal rights are restricted unlike a trial. In a more formal situation, the mediator directs a hearing in which the parties initiate through archives, displays and declaration. The parties may approve a few cases to build up their own manner; or an administrating organization may give ways (Moore, 2014). There can be probably one referee or a three mediators board. An intervention hearing is generally held in place of work or a meeting room. The result can be tied if all get-togethers have consented from before to be bound by the choice. Overall, the privilege to claim the judge's choice is extremely constrained. A mediator's honor can be diminished to decision in a court and con sequently be enforceable. In non-arbitration, a choice might get to be definitely last if all sides approval to recognize it or it might serve to help you judge the case and be a opening stage for the settlement talks (Carbonneau Butler, 2013). The method to use a process for dispute settlement depends upon the parties to the dispute. The nature of the case helps the person to decide which method to use. It is said that Court room settlements are the best way to settle disputes the conflicting parties decides on the settlement procedure. ADR helps settlements of dispute in a fast way and some of the ways of settling disputes outside Court room (Fellas, 2014). Issue: Does Charlie owe Bob the extra $5 000? Rule: In Hospital Products Ltd v United States Surgical Corporation, Gibbs CJ detained that when a demonstration was made at the time of negotiation might be a collateral agreement if at the time of making the representation the parties had an intention to abide by it. The agreement becomes contractually binding. The parties who made the representation must have the intention of a contractual promise, which might be distinct from a mere representation. The issue as to the fact whether there is a intention or not depends upon the words and conduct of the parties to the principal contract. In Heilbut, Symons Co v Buckleton, Lord Atkinson held that the existence and non-existence of the intention of the party depends upon the decision given by the jury. The jury decides the truth of the fact. The intention of the party was fraudulent misrepresentation which does not make the contract binding. In Crown Melbourne Limited v Cosmopolitan Hotel (Vic) Pty Ltd , French CJ Kiefel and Bell JJ, held that the announcement by the Crown offered ascend to collateral contract. Furthermore, the Crown needs to pay $467505 to the primary respondent and $1,143,167 to the second in type of damages for breach of the agreement. The Crown was at risk for estoppel from denying the collateral contract. The Court of Appeal of Supreme Court of Victoria said that the VCAT was in mistake and estoppels did not emerge. Rather, the Court of Appeal said that there was a promissory Estoppel. The Court of Appeal announced that there was no collateral contract yet there was an issue in dispatching the issue of estoppels. Tenants got procedures to the VCAT in which they affirmed that a progression of representations had been made by delegates of Crown to Mr Zampelis, such that the tenants would be given a further term of five years taking after the lapse of the 2005 leases. These representations were said to add up to a guarantee that Crown would practice its power under cl 2.3(a) of the 2005 rents and offer a renewal for a further five-year term. The tenants asserted that they are instigated by the representations to execute the leases and to do the renovations. Two, alternate legal results were said to take after from the guarantee: a collateral contract, by which Crown was obliged to offer the tenants encourage five year leases, appeared, or an estoppel emerged which kept Crown from denying that commitment. Significantly, the terms of the further rents are said to be the same with respect to the 2005 leases (Hull, White, 2014). Application: When we apply the rules, laid by the Court I the above-mentioned cases in the case study of Bob and Charlie we see that Charlie is liable to pay Bob for contract. Charlie does owe Bob $5000. When we apply the case of Hospital Products Ltd v United States Surgical Corporation we see that at the time of making the negotiation Charlie had an intention to pay Bob $5000 for the completion of his work. There was a formation of a collateral contract that Charlie. There was a formation of a contractual promise and not a mere representation, which makes the contract binding (Calomiris et al., 2016). Again in the case of Crown Melbourne Limited v Cosmopolitan Hotel (Vic) Pty Ltd , it was seen that whether there is a intention or nor depends upon the jury. If a party to a contract promises to do something on performance by the other party and the other party acts according to that then the promiser is supposed to pay to the promisee. Charlie said that he would pay Bob if he complet es the work within the said time. Bob acted according to what Charlie said so Charlie becomes liable to pay Bob. Crown Melbourne Limited v Cosmopolitan Hotel (Vic) Pty Ltd it was said that there was a formation of a promissory estoppel. Under law, there is formation of a fiduciary relationship, where one person (fiduciary) acts for another (the principal) and when acted upon that he gets liable to principal interest (Breen v William). Fiduciary obligation is entity of equity and cured by equitable remedies. The breach of such fiduciary duty or obligation managed in the theme Breach of Fiduciary Duty. When there is a fiduciary relationship, a motive of trust and confidence created between the parties. Conclusion: Charlie owes Bob $5000 for the completion of construction work. Charlie is liable to pay Bob under the concept of collateral contract and promissory estoppel. There is formation of a fiduciary relationship, where one person (fiduciary) acts for another (the principal) and when acted upon that he gets liable to principal interest (Breen v William). If a party to a contract promises to do something on performance by the other party and the other party acts according to that then the promiser is supposed to pay to the promisee. References: Allison, J. (2013). ADR Research: Arbitration, Mediation, Negotiation, and More. Calomiris, C. W., Larrain, M., Liberti, J. M., Sturgess, J. D. (2016).How collateral laws shape lending and sectoral activity(No. w21911). National Bureau of Economic Research. Carbonneau, T. E., Butler, W. E. (2013). International Litigation and Arbitration. 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