Wednesday, December 25, 2019
When Did Canada Belongs To A Number Of International...
Resources NATO NAFTA The Commonwealth APEC La Francophonie Task Canada belongs to a number of international organizations. We are going to learn about five of them (see links above). Make a copy of the table below - one copy for each organization. Use the links above as well as other sources of information to learn more about these organizations and what role Canada plays within them. When answering the â€Å"5Ws†and â€Å"How†in the table, please make sure not to use duplicate questions. Name of International Organization: North Atlantic Treaty Organization A.K.A NATO QUESTIONS ANSWERS WHAT Questions What is NATO? What is NATO’s purpose? NATO is a military alliance between many North American and European countries NATO provides†¦show more content†¦NAFTA is created removing barriers for trading goods and services among the three countries HOW Questions How many countries are part of NAFTA? How long has NAFTA last? 3 countries are part of NAFTA NAFTA has last for 23 years Name of International Organization: The Commonwealth QUESTIONS ANSWERS WHAT Questions What is The Commonwealth? The Commonwealth is a voluntary intergovernmental association between many different states that are mostly ruled by the Britain WHO Questions Which countries started The Commonwealth? The United Kingdom started The Commonwealth WHERE Questions Where is The Commonwealth’s headquarter? The Commonwealth’s headquarter is at London, United Kingdom WHEN Questions When is The Commonwealth created? When did Canada join The Commonwealth? The Commonwealth was founded in1931 Canada joined The Commonwealth in 1931 WHY Questions Why is The Commonwealth created? The Commonwealth is created to improve every Commonwealth citizens’ life HOW Questions How many states/countries are part of The Commonwealth? How long has The Commonwealth last? The Commonwealth impacts its members by improving every Commonwealth citizens’ life The Commonwealth lasted for 86 years Name of International Organization: Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation A.K.A APEC QUESTIONS ANSWERS WHAT Questions What is APEC? APEC is a regional economic forum between many different countries WHO Questions Who created APEC? The Prime Minister ofShow MoreRelatedArctic Ice Disputes: Another Cold War1128 Words  | 4 Pagescapture the flag, a plethora of resources in numbers never seen before wait on the top of the hill, while militaries from around the globe race to the base to be the next world power. In an attempt to retain control over the area, the eight member nations of the Arctic Council are trying to find a fair way to distribute resources. But this dispute over territories is pitting friend against foe and against friend. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Test Critique Eating Disorder Inventory - 1353 Words
Test Critique: Eating Disorder Inventory Angelic Mayers Stephen F. Austin State University Test Critique: Eating Disorder Inventory The Eating Disorder Inventory was developed in 1983 by David M. Garner, Marion P. Olmstead, and Janet Polivy but was officially published in 1984. The original Eating Disorder Inventory assessment was created for the sole purpose of evaluating the â€Å"psychological and behavioral traits common in anorexia nervosa and bulimia†(Garner, Olmstead, Polivy, p.15, 1983). The researchers wanted to develop yet another instrument aimed at eating disorders because the previous instruments were only used for inpatient clients or intended for the behavioral aspects of anorexia nervosa in particular. The researchers felt that bulimia was not being accounted for in previous assessments and that the depth of these disorders was much more complex than the previous assessments were exploring. They felt that they needed to develop an instrument to measure various other traits in order to properly treat individual s with eating disorders. The EDI is a personality assessment instrument and it is primarily used in a clinical setting to determine the potential presence of an eating disorder in a client (Garner, Olmstead, Polivy, p 173, 1983). The Eating Disorder Inventory can be administered to any individual that is 12 years old and over. The norming group for this particular assessment was adults and adolescents with disorderedShow MoreRelatedA Critique on the Thesis1383 Words  | 6 PagesA Critique on the Thesis: Shirley, C.C.S. (2004) The Relationship among Eating Attitudes, Slimming Behaviors and Perfectionism in a Non-Clinical Population, Hong Kong University e-theses data base This paper is to critique a thesis titled The Relationship among Eating Attitudes, Slimming Behaviors and Perfectionism in a Non-Clinical Population by Shirley, C.C.S. (2004).This thesis can be found on the database of Hong Kong University. This report mentions the slimming pheromone in Hong Kong, andRead MoreAnalyzing Sheet And Mark Appropriate1770 Words  | 8 Pagesindicates 67th to 99th percentile, with T score of less than 56 is an indication of frequent thoughts and behaviors related with binge eating (Garner, 2004). If the raw score is ranging anywhere between 5 to 18, which is 25th to 66th percentile, and a T score equaling from 42 to 45, then this is an indication of thoughts and behaviors consisted with binge eating (2004). At last, if the final score is less than or equal to 4, which is 1st to 24th percentile, with T score of less than 41, it indicatesRead MoreRelationship Between Personality And Obesity1609 Words  | 7 Pages(BMI) and adiposity (waist and hip circ umference). We describe how obesity is the second leading controllable cause of death next to smoking. Many variables contribute to the rising percentage of obese individuals such as lack of exercise, unhealthy eating habits, and even genetics; shifts in food quality, food quantity, and availability to healthy foods also plays its part in maintaining weight control. Obesity also leads to numerous health issues like type 2 diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular diseaseRead MoreThe Revised Bdi Test Review.Doc5525 Words  | 23 PagesREVISED BECK DEPRESSION INVENTORY Testing and Assesssment: Comprehensive review of the revised Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-IA) Daniel Beaulieu McGill University The Revised BDI (1993) Publication Dates: 1961-93 Authors: Aaron T. Beck and Robert A. Steer. Acronym: BDI-IA Price Data, 1994: $46 per complete kit including 25 record forms and manual ( 93, 24 pages); $25.50 per 25 record forms; 22.50 per manual Introduction The revised Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-IA), introducedRead MoreSentence Completion Test5817 Words  | 24 Pages Sentence Completion Tests: A Review of the Literature and Results of a Survey of Members of the Society for Personality Assessment Margot Holaday, Debra A. Smith, and Alissa Sherry Department of Psychology University of Southern Mississippi Test usage surveys consistently find that sentence completion tests (SCTs) are among the most popular personality assessment instruments used by practitioners. What is not noted is which SCTs practitioners are using, why these tests are so popular, and whetherRead MoreOcd - Symptoms, Causes, Treatment131367 Words  | 526 PagesA. Clark. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN-10: 1-57230-963-6 ISBN-13: 978-1-57230-963-0 (hardcover: alk. paper) ISBN-10: 1-59385-375-0 ISBN-13: 978-1-59385-375-4 (paperback) 1. Cognitive therapy. 2. Obsessive–compulsive disorder. I. Title. RC489.C63C57 2004 616.85†²2270651â€â€dc22 2003020283 To my parents, Albert and Ardith, for their support and encouragement About the Author About the Author David A. Clark, PhD, is a professor in the Department of PsychologyRead MoreStatement of Purpose23848 Words  | 96 Pageshelp you write a more effective statement of purpose. Consider the following comments and suggestions: ï‚ · Determine the weight your readers give to the personal statement relative to test scores and GPA. In one study conducted at a large university, 90% of science and technology respondents felt more objective measuresâ€â€test scores and gradesâ€â€were most important Ohio Wesleyan University Writing Center  © 2011 Page 1 and used the statement of purpose for borderline decisions. 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Chris graduated from Iowa State University with a major in mathematics and, while acquiring graduate degrees at the University of Iowa, concentrated on statistics, computer programming, psychometrics, and test development. Currently, he divides his duties between teaching and evaluation; in addition to teaching, he is the assessment facilitator for the Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Community Schools. In his spare time he enjoys reading and hiking. He and his wife
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Black Ice Essay Research Paper Black Ice free essay sample
Black Ice Essay, Research Paper Black Ice Essay ? The distance between where we were and the ideal kept us all in a painful stretch, jumping, jumping at the sky. ? Lorene Cary entered St. Paul? s school desiring to do a difference. To take advantage of an instruction, that to many black people of her clip, merely existed in their dreams. She felt as though this instruction would alter her life. Bring her power. St. Paul? s did alter Cary? s life, and it opened many doors for her. However these doors were heavy and non easy moved. In her stay at St. Paul? s Cary learned the extremes of many emotions. The guilt of believing she had received an chance she didn? t deserve. Fear lingering at all times, the fright of failure, of allowing everyone down. Of class there were more emotions, but one was above all the remainder: assurance. We will write a custom essay sample on Black Ice Essay Research Paper Black Ice or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Cary saw both terminals of this emotion. At times she felt like she could take the school and? turn it out? merely as she had come to make. At other times she felt as though she were trapped in a universe that would get down her whole because it knew she was non worthy. St. Paul? s was a universe unwilling to alter without a battle. It was one that was out to alter it? s pupils. Cary and St. Paul? s were stuck together like Chinese Finger Cuffs. Both were seeking to draw off from the other, defying the alteration that would go on to them if they were to come together. The changeless pulling, nevertheless, merely brought them closer together, and in the terminal both were changed. From her St. Paul? s instruction Cary did acquire the certificates she needed to travel on to a successful college calling and life. Having St. Paul? s behind her, holding survived, and holding made her grade gave her the power and assurance that she could make most anything. Cary besides learned? Grace? at St. Paul? s. A quality she was non looking for, but found merely the same. She learned that alteration was non ever a bad thing and that when people accepted her it was a good thing. She didn? Ts have to seek to be different merely to put herself apart, that came with difficult work and dedication. While at St. Paul? s Cary besides got an instruction in household affairs. This was a lesson she did non mean to larn while being off, but it was one that couldn? T be learned at place. From her household she learned what it was like to travel on. To endorse away from her parents matrimonial jobs, as it was something she could non alter. She learned what it was like to be an foreigner in your ain household, and she learned the shame of desiring to allow travel. In the terminal Cary did stop up with want she had come to St. Paul? s for. She merely got it without cognizing it at the clip. She got her certificates, assurance, and power by doing it through. Along with these things Cary gained life experiences that were unreplaceable. In my sentiment she came out of St. Paul? s with more than she of all time thought she would.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Surrender and Regrant of Henry the VIII Essay Example
Surrender and Regrant of Henry the VIII Paper I am going to assess how successful the policy of Surrender and Regrant of Henry the VIII. At the start of Henry VIII reign around 1509 he was lord of Ireland but had very little power over Ireland. Except in the pale even this was being challenged by the Fitzgerald’s. The rest of Ireland was controlled by a long line of Irish families or Anglo Irish people whose ancestors had settled in Ireland when Henry VII was king. Before Henry VIII inserted the policy of surrender and regrant in Ireland he did try and take military action and sent 2,300 men to try and take control of Ireland. When this failed he decided to take down the Fitzgerald’s the main family in power in Ireland at the time. But finally henry decided his best option was surrender and regrant which was less costly and more effective way of taking control. 1 Henry wanted to reform Ireland into a protestant country, which would prove to be a hard task as Ireland was a strong religious country and very faithful to Rome. Henrys break with Rome now left him with many enemies as most of Europe was catholic. Ireland now could be used against England by France or Spain as a way to launch an attack. 2 Henry was mainly concerned about the four counties surrounding Dublin known as the pale. The Irish nobles ruled the area surrounding the pale known as the colony. The Fitzgerald’s ruled the colony until 1534 and were very powerful and had great authority in Ireland.3 I feel the Fitzgerald’s play a very important part in how the policy of surrender and regrant came about. The Fitzgerald’s and the colony had no loyalty to the royals but they paid there feudal laws. We will write a custom essay sample on Surrender and Regrant of Henry the VIII specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Surrender and Regrant of Henry the VIII specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Surrender and Regrant of Henry the VIII specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The Fitzgerald’s were the most powerful family in Ireland. Gerald Mor Fitzgerald was the 8th earl of Kildare and also the lord deputy of Ireland. Henry VII however removed Gerald Mor Fitzgerald from his role as lord deputy as Gerald was sympathetic to the House of Yorks. Henry VII sent Edward Poynings to replac
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