Monday, December 16, 2019
Test Critique Eating Disorder Inventory - 1353 Words
Test Critique: Eating Disorder Inventory Angelic Mayers Stephen F. Austin State University Test Critique: Eating Disorder Inventory The Eating Disorder Inventory was developed in 1983 by David M. Garner, Marion P. Olmstead, and Janet Polivy but was officially published in 1984. The original Eating Disorder Inventory assessment was created for the sole purpose of evaluating the â€Å"psychological and behavioral traits common in anorexia nervosa and bulimia†(Garner, Olmstead, Polivy, p.15, 1983). The researchers wanted to develop yet another instrument aimed at eating disorders because the previous instruments were only used for inpatient clients or intended for the behavioral aspects of anorexia nervosa in particular. The researchers felt that bulimia was not being accounted for in previous assessments and that the depth of these disorders was much more complex than the previous assessments were exploring. They felt that they needed to develop an instrument to measure various other traits in order to properly treat individual s with eating disorders. The EDI is a personality assessment instrument and it is primarily used in a clinical setting to determine the potential presence of an eating disorder in a client (Garner, Olmstead, Polivy, p 173, 1983). The Eating Disorder Inventory can be administered to any individual that is 12 years old and over. The norming group for this particular assessment was adults and adolescents with disorderedShow MoreRelatedA Critique on the Thesis1383 Words  | 6 PagesA Critique on the Thesis: Shirley, C.C.S. (2004) The Relationship among Eating Attitudes, Slimming Behaviors and Perfectionism in a Non-Clinical Population, Hong Kong University e-theses data base This paper is to critique a thesis titled The Relationship among Eating Attitudes, Slimming Behaviors and Perfectionism in a Non-Clinical Population by Shirley, C.C.S. 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Chris graduated from Iowa State University with a major in mathematics and, while acquiring graduate degrees at the University of Iowa, concentrated on statistics, computer programming, psychometrics, and test development. Currently, he divides his duties between teaching and evaluation; in addition to teaching, he is the assessment facilitator for the Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Community Schools. In his spare time he enjoys reading and hiking. He and his wife
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